Bakırköy Diş Estetik
” Diş hekimliğinde hastalarımıza kaybettikleri ağız içi fonksiyonları yeniden kazandırırken; en koruyucu ve en estetik yöntemi hedeflemeliyiz. “

Bakırköy Diş Estetik
1. Congenital discoloration of teeth or caused by the use of antibiotics in childhood
2. In stained teeth due to fluorine deficiency or excess
3. In anterior region teeth broken as a result of accident and trauma
4. In anterior tooth decays with too much material loss (in cases where there is too much tissue loss to be filled)
5. In long and bad-looking teeth caused by gingival recessions
6. In teeth with aesthetic problems after gingival treatments
7. In restoring the aesthetics of the smile line, which is damaged by congenitally missing or extra teeth
8. Correction of proportional deviations in teeth, gingiva and lip relations
9. In people with too many gums
10. Reshaping the teeth lost due to different reasons in the anterior region in accordance with lip and facial aesthetics
11. In restructuring the old and tired appearance caused by collapses in the face area due to excessive tooth loss and jaw bone meltdown with prostheses
12. In the aesthetic regulation of deformations in the jaw and teeth as a result of undesirable accidents
Bakırköy Diş Estetik
1. If the discolored teeth can reach their ideal colors with cleaning or teeth whitening methods, the problem can be resolved without the need for aesthetic applications.
2. Orthodontic treatment is a more ideal treatment option for crowding in the anterior region (if there is no excessive caries and gingival diseases). There is no age limit for orthodontic treatments and these treatments can be done with tooth-colored brackets and wires in the middle and advanced age group. Thus, the problem of the appearance of the wires is greatly reduced.
3. The most ideal solution for interdental spaces in the anterior region is to close these spaces with orthodontic treatments.
Bakırköy Diş Estetik
1.Teeth whitening: If you are not satisfied with your tooth color, you can have the whiteness you want with different whitening methods that can be applied in the dental clinic or at home. Use the methods and materials recommended by your dentist for whitening.
2.Laminated veneers (Aesthetically placing the very thin porcelains formed by abrading 0.2 – 0.4 mm in the anterior region of the anterior teeth):
With laminated application;
Deformities in teeth
Discoloration of teeth
Interdental spaces
Asymmetries in teeth
Teeth that look very small
Irregular teeth
Cracks and fractures on the ends of the front teeth
Irregularities that cause aesthetic problems in the anterior teeth can be corrected.
Laminate is a special porcelain that provides restorations very similar to your natural teeth and preserves its color for many years. It is an extremely protective treatment as it requires very little abrasion on natural teeth.
3.Porcelains: Porcelains are used in order to provide an ideal aesthetic smile by using porcelain materials for people with one or more tooth loss, or people with aesthetic dentistry problems, and people with tooth-gum-lip and smile problems. New research shows that porcelain without metal support in the infrastructure is now recommended. For such applications, the patient should be properly examined by the physician, the radiological findings should be evaluated correctly, the strength of the porcelain structures to be applied should be calculated correctly and these applications should be explained to the patients in detail.
The materials we use in porcelain applications;
4.Cercon (Zirconium Oxide)
Bakırköy Diş Estetik
Natural teeth transmit light. As a result, depth and vitality appear in the tooth. Due to the light transmission properties of metal-free porcelain crowns (all-ceramic), their depth and vitality are greater, so that the closest results to natural teeth are obtained.
Bakırköy Diş Estetik