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Bahçelievler Diş Cerrahi

Bahçelievler Diş Cerrahi

” Alt-üst çene sert ve yumuşak dokularında yapılan cerrahi işlemleri kapsar. Genellikle gömülü yirmi yaş dişlerinin çıkartılmasında başvurulur. ”

Bayrampaşa Diş Cerrahi Fiyatları
Bahçelievler Diş Cerrahi

As in all branches of general medicine, surgery is a field of study that requires a very special discipline and coordination. In dentistry, surgery is performed on the jawbones, hard and soft tissues (palate, lip, tooth roots) and jawbones, and it should be applied by specialist physicians and high discipline in order to be intertwined with veins and nerves.

Bahçelievler Diş Cerrahi

Bahçelievler Diş Cerrahi

Bahçelievler Diş Cerrahi

Bahçelievler Diş Cerrahi

Bahçelievler Diş Cerrahi

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